The Most Affordable Professional Mobile App Maker

The Most Affordable Professional Mobile App Maker The Most Affordable Professional Mobile App Maker Apprikator was founded in 2018. Thousand of developers have been developing Android and iOS applications on our platform without coding. If you don’t have any coding experience in mobile application development, you can easily create your desired mobile application on En savoir plus surThe Most Affordable Professional Mobile App Maker[…]

Chat App

The ultimate Chat module to build your own complete Chat app, or incorporate a Chat system in your apps. Real-Time Chat Create public chatrooms and let your users create their own private chatrooms and chat with each others. Rich messages Send Text and Image Messages. And top-notch features! Add friends for chatting, block/unblock users, instant En savoir plus surChat App[…]

Taxi App

Your own uber like app. Taxi drivers and passengers can register for using your taxi app. As an app owner, you can manage drivers, passengers, vehicles, payment methods, Accountancy, cash returns & payouts. All drivers in the radius can receive notifications about ride requests. As an app owner, you will receive the payments for all rides. Passengers pay En savoir plus surTaxi App[…]

Page personnalisée

Avec la fonctionnalité de page personnalisée, vous pouvez créer votre application avec des fonctionnalités personnalisées pour vos différents besoins. Commencez à créer votre application pour vos besoins particuliers.

Google Play Publishing

You have designed your app and ready to publish on Google Play Store. But you don’t have a developer account on Google Play Store. It is not a problem anymore. If you subscribe on a google publishing service included plan, you will be able to publish your app on the store without purchasing a developer En savoir plus surGoogle Play Publishing[…]

Quels types d'applications pouvez-vous créer? - générateur d'applications en ligne. Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire! Nos utilisateurs ont créé; Applications professionnelles, applications personnelles, applications Bussiness, applications sociales, applications de recettes, applications de partage de fichiers, applications de réservation, applications M-commercial, applications de rendez-vous, applications de galerie vidéo, applications de galerie d'images, applications de bandes dessinées, applications scolaires, applications de cours, applications éducatives, Applications WordPress, applications QR, applications de fidélité, chat en temps réel En savoir plus surQuels types d'applications pouvez-vous créer?[…]
